Biogenius Grant

Sanofi Biogenius Canada is excited for the 3rd Annual Grant

Sanofi Biogenius Canada is excited for the 2nd Annual Grant, with the aim of leveling the playing field for students in Canada and ensuring everyone has equal opportunity to discover STEM.

Through the Sanofi Biogenius Canada Grant, we’re providing better access to hands-on STEM learning by supporting Canadian public high schools with financial grants to update lab equipment, launch new science programs and take science education to the next level.

Who can apply?

Canadian public secondary schools with any grade range from Grade 9 up to and including Grade 12. In Quebec, eligible schools must include Secondaries 3, 4 or 5 or Cégep.

How much are the Sanofi Biogenius Canada Grants for?

The amount for each Sanofi Biogenius Canada Grant is $50,000 and can be used to renovate existing school laboratory facilities, purchase new scientific equipment, for programs to enhance or maximize the impact of laboratory facilities, or any combination of the above.

When is the deadline to apply for the Sanofi Biogenius Canada Grant?

The application for the Sanofi Biogenius Canada Grant is March 13-May 12. We look forward to announcing this year’s Grant winners soon!

What are the qualifications to apply?

Have existing science labs or equipment in need of renewal OR demonstrate that the Grant could establish a classroom lab.

Demonstrate your commitment to hands-on STEM learning opportunities for all students.

Show how your program focuses on making STEM accessible to all students, no matter their socio-economic background, cultural or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, family status or location.

Strong support by the school community.

Want to learn more about last year’s winners?

Goderich District Collegiate Institute, Ontario:
Goderich District Collegiate Institute has a rich history of instilling a passion for STEM and scientific discovery in its students, but had limited resources to do so. With the grant funding, the school is reclaiming an under-utilized space to provide vertical learning spaces for collaboration and planning, new flexible seating arrangements for groups to design and develop projects and proper storage for equipment.

Allison Bernard Memorial High School, Nova Scotia:
As an Indigenous school, Allison Bernard Memorial High School strives to connect its students with the natural environment by integrating lessons that connect to nature. Prior to receiving the grant, the school only had capacity to accommodate 16 students in its lab, with class sizes reaching 30 students. The grant funds are being used to renovate the school’s lab space to increase its capacity and to upgrade its 24-year-old lab equipment.

École Gabriel le Courtois, Québec:
École Gabriel le Courtois was missing the technology to support its vision of a real-world STEM learning experience. With the grant funds, the school is updating its 50-year-old anatomical model, renovating equipment rooms and re-vamping some of its learning materials to support real-world scientific learning experiences for its students.

Conrad Fitzgerald Academy, Newfoundland:
The Conrad Fitzgerald Academy is passionate about exposing its students to a higher standard of STEM education to build their confidence to pursue careers in STEM. The school had outdated and small quantities of scientific equipment that were being shared across classes and a lack of budget to expand its dissection program, which was impacting its science program. The grant funding has allowed the school to purchase new equipment to expand its labs and dissection program.

Contact Us

For questions or more information about the Grant, please contact